The main active NGCT audition call at present is for Fall, 2024. That is, November's special production of "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder. As we have been advertising for several months, interested persons can start the process by emailing our VP. [See at the end of this posting for early news on an opportunity for Spring 2024.]

There are still a few parts to fill. And some opportunities to get involved behind the scenes.

This is a play that everyone can relate to -- young love, courtship, marriage, and, sadly, death. But also humour and hope. It is the poignant relatable story of people in any town. It could be Kemptville.

Some of the lead characters were cast last December, but there are still smaller and very small speaking parts, and many non-speaking parts. Act 2 has an onstage wedding, complete with church choir, and Act 3 has a funeral. We do have a conversation underway on the choir.

The cast has a wide range of ages.

NGCT will not be having further auditions for this play until further notice, but depending on who contacts the VP as below, we might yet schedule an audition later this summer. Don't wait for that. Anyone who is interested in taking part in this production, onstage or backstage - or front of house - really in any capacity - can start the ball rolling with an email for more information. Email !!!

The big crowd scenes will not start rehearsals until, probably, mid-September.

Here is a button that should help you email our VP.

NOW HERE is that early news about Spring 2024. We will be looking for several actors, and auditions will be scheduled soon. However, one role has these qualifications: Female (age, say, 16 to 30) - and the ability to play piano and perhaps a few chords on the ukulele. If you might be this person and want to find out more email .