Who We Are
North Grenville Community Theatre is the longest running amateur theatre group in the area of North Grenville, Ontario. We are committed to increasing awareness of amateur theatre through our theatrical productions and support of community events in our municipality and the surrounding region.

Our People
We rely on many volunteers who may never appear on stage. Instead, they design sets, construct and paint scenery, manage the front of house, sell tickets, arrange publicity and perform so many other tasks that support onstage productions. We also will train people to assist in sound and lights, or as an assistant to the director, producer, or stage manager. Lastly, but not least, we always need house managers, ushers, and people to serve food and drinks at intermission.
Kemptville Players Inc doing business as North Grenville Community Theatre
Copyright of ngct.ca belongs to Kemptville Players Inc.
© 1997-2024 Kemptville Players Inc.
Kemptville, Ontario, Canada